Today's boys golf meet in Mt. Vernon has been changed to a 5:00 PM start.

Registration clarification: Preregistered Juniors and Sophomores can register at any of the registration times on Thursday, August 12. Registration times are 9:00-11:15 & 12:30-3:00.
Parking Permits will not be sold at registration due to a delay in shipment. Please listen to the daily announcements for information when they will be available to purchase. You may still park on the parking lot without penalty until further notice.

School pictures will be taken at registration. Click here for order form and flyer: https://5il.co/wmct

Job Opportunity: Fairways Restaurant is seeking to hire part time servers and kitchen help. Fill out an application at Fairways at Greenview, 2801 Putter Drive.

Reminder that all athletes need a physical before they can try out for their sports. Fall sports' start date is August 9th. Physicals will NOT be offered at Centralia High School.

Information about Registration for the 2021-2022 school year will be mailed home on Friday, July 16, 2021. You can also check the News or Events on the website for details.