Home of the Orphans
2024 Centralia Holiday Tournament
General Information
Seating Information
The Centralia High School Gym has approximately 2100 seats. Only the chair seats are reserved. The bleachers on the south end under the basket which are for CHS students and the small stage on the north end is reserved for teams and coaches. All the bleachers upstairs on the west side are general admission.
Pass Outs, Entering and Leaving
No pass outs are needed unless you leave the building. If you leave the building before a session ends and wish to return to that session, you will need to be marked by the ticket taker. NO one will be allowed to enter the building without a bonafide ticket or pass issued by Centralia High School.
Ticket Sales (click for more information)
Tickets are on sale for the current session at the ticket booth in the north lobby. Tickets for future sessions may be purchased at the Northeast foyer next to the pass gate entrance pending the availability of tickets. Hours are 9:30 am to 8:30 pm during day one & two of the tournament. On the third day of the tournament, pending availability, tickets may be purchased at the ticket booth. Souvenir booklets will be available for $3.00 each.
Rest Rooms
Rest rooms are located in the front foyer of the gym. (Mens-East) (Womens-West)
On the upper level restrooms are located behind bleachers on the southwest side.
Concessions are available in the cafetorium.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found is located in the Athletic Office in the front foyer.
No Smoking
Illinois State Law PROHIBITS SMOKING or TOBACCO USE on CHS school property.
Tournament Office
The Tournament Office is located in the Athletic Office in the front foyer.
2024 Tournament Sponsors

X95.3 WRXX Centralia will be broadcasting every game of the Centralia Holiday Tournament.
Click Here for the CHS Athletic Department Contact Information
CHS Annex is located at the north end of the back parking lot