The Spanish Club and Spanish 3 students went to see a flamenco ballet show where they performed dances from the Spanish heritage. A few girls were even able to go on stage and learn a dance.
about 5 hours ago, CHS
spanish club
spanish club
spanish club
spanish club
spanish club
spanish club
Tonight is the night! Join us for an informational meeting about CHS Travelers! All students of the CHS classes of 2027, 2028, 2029, and 2030 are welcome to attend!
2 days ago, CHS
chs travelers
This Friday!
3 days ago, CHS
food truck
March is Music in our Schools Month! Help us celebrate starting this Monday, March 10th.
7 days ago, CHS
LEVI HUGE RECOGNIZED AS DISTRICT FFA PROFICIENCY WINNER Levi Huge was selected as the District FFA Proficiency Winner in Poultry Production Entrepreneurship. Levi is a member of the Centralia FFA Chapter of the Illinois Association FFA. Illinois FFA recognizes students in forty-eight areas based on their work-based learning, also known as Supervised Agricultural Experiences or SAE. FFA members who demonstrate outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through record keeping, leadership, and scholastic achievement may be considered for this award. SAEs allow students to learn by doing, by either owning and operating an agricultural business, working or serving an internship at an agriculture-based business or conducting an agriculture-based scientific experiment and reporting results. Levi was selected as the District 5 Winner by a committee of agriculture industry representatives and teachers knowledgeable in this work-based area. Levi is the son of Brittany and Ian Huge and his FFA Advisor is Mehgan English. Receiving this honor now makes Levi eligible to compete in the State FFA Awards Selection process in Mt. Zion, IL on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Levi was previously chosen as the Chapter and Section awardee in this area.
7 days ago, CHS
levi huge
Let's go, Orphans!
7 days ago, CHS
mar 7 boys track
Good luck, Annies!
7 days ago, CHS
mar 7 girls track
Get your general admission tickets for tomorrow's game:
8 days ago, CHS
ticket link
On March 12th, at 5:30 PM, CHS Travelers will be hosting a parent informational meeting in the CHS Library for students interested in exploring travel opportunities. Parents and students of current freshmen and sophomores, as well as incoming 7th-8th graders are welcome to attend.
8 days ago, CHS
chs travelers
Centralia High School will be offering a student pep bus to Marion for the Orphans sectional championship game verse Triad this Friday. Students may stop by the athletic office to purchase a ticket to the game and sign up for the pep bus before school or during their lunch period tomorrow (Thursday). Students must have a valid CHS ID and $10 to sign up. The bus will leave from in front of the school at 5:15 p.m.
9 days ago, Principal Dr. Shipley
ATTN Orphan Fans: General Admission Tics for Friday’s Sectional Championship game vs Triad go on sale tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. Use this link: GO ORPHANS!!!!!!!
9 days ago, Chuck Lane
ATTN Orphan Fans: Reserved Chair Tickets for Friday’s Sectional Championship game vs Triad at Marion will go on sale for season ticket holders at 6:30 PM tomorrow night in the Athletic Office. GO ORPHANS!!!!!!
9 days ago, Chuck Lane
Most Regional shirt orders have arrived. Long sleeve t-shirts are still delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
9 days ago, CHS
Regional t-shirt order delivery has been delayed by the vendor, but they should be available for pick up after 8:00 am tomorrow.
10 days ago, CHS
Grace Kare pre-k students shared their Dr. Seuss birthday activities with child care students. Happy birthday, Dr. Suess!🥳
10 days ago, CHS
dr seuss
ATTN Orphan Fans- General Admission Link for Wednesday NIght vs East St. Louis- Sale begins at 9:00 AM Monday, March 3rd- ($7 per ticket)
12 days ago, Chuck Lane
Regional Champs!
ATTN Orphan Fans- Get your regional champs shirts here:
14 days ago, Chuck Lane
Regional Champs Shirts
14 days ago, Chuck Lane