Scholarships & Important Info for Seniors


(Newest Listed First)

Central City Lioness Lions Scholarship

The only criterion is planning to go to a college/trade school in the fall. 
Award amount $500
The application can be picked up in the Guidance Office.
The deadline is April 4th.
Submit the completed application to the Guidance Office by April 4th.

The Gregory F Yank “Servant Leader” Scholarship 

Will fund scholarships to an accredited College or Trade School.
Awards will be $2,500.00 each. 

Recipients will agree to have their awards publicized throughout Rotary International
District 6510.
Each applicant must meet the following criteria:
• High School Senior, or College Student, or Graduate Student, or Trade School Student
• Reside in Rotary District 6510, or attend a College/University/Trade School in District 6510  (south of I-70 to the Ohio/Mississippi rivers)
• Academics at B average or better; include a copy of most current
• Résumé of School Involvement – Service, Clubs, Athletics, etc.; cite
leadership roles (officer, chair, section leader, awards, etc.)
• Résumé of Community Involvement and Volunteerism; cite
leadership roles as above, and all full/part-time jobs
• Educational and Career Plan
• A list of Scholarships (and $ values) that you are receiving
• An essay about how the concept of “Servant Leader” affects, has affected, or will affect your life in the future.
Conditions for Receiving Funds:
• Student must provide proof of full-time enrollment (Tuition bill, Registration form, with official logos)
• Upon proof of enrollment, money will be paid to the college/university/trade school; students must submit tuition bill for upcoming semester to receive the Scholarship.
• Withdrawal from college or university shall result in the return of unused portion of funds.
Selection Criteria
The Applicant(s) who score the highest on our Scholarship Judges’ rubric will receive scholarship funds.
Application: Fill out Last Page, and include all required documents
Completed applications should be received by April 1st. Decisions will be made in April and May.
Late applications will not be accepted. Do not send photographs with your application.

The Rotary International District 6510 Scholarship 
Will fund two scholarships to an accredited College or Trade School to two high school seniors residing in Rotary District 6510. 
Awards will be $2,500.00 each. 
Recipients will agree to have their awards publicized throughout Rotary International District 6510.
Selection Criteria
• Academics at B average or better (Maximum of 5 points)
• School Involvement – Service, Clubs, Athletics, etc.; cite/explain leadership roles (officer, chair, section
leader, awards, etc.) (Maximum of 10 points)
• Community Involvement and Volunteerism; cite/explain leadership roles as above. Include full/part-
time jobs you have had to support your own ambitions. (Maximum of 10 points)
• Educational and Career Plan (Maximum of 5 points)
• Essay (max 400 words) describing how the Rotary Motto “Service Above Self” affects,
has affected, or will affect your life in the future (400-word limit). (Maximum of 10 points)
Conditions for Receiving Funds
• Student must provide proof of full-time enrollment (Tuition bill, Registration form, with official logos)
• Upon proof of enrollment, money will be paid to the college or university; students must submit
tuition bill for the fall semester to receive the $2500 award.
• Withdrawal from college or university shall result in the return of unused portion of funds.
Application: Fill out Page 3
Deadline April 1st. Decisions will be made in April.
Late applications will not be accepted. Do not send photographs with your application.
Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office.

Illinois Sheriffs' Association Scholarship

There shall be no restriction on any applicant by reason of race, age, creed, color, sex or national origin. 

The only limitations are the following: 

• Applicants must be permanent Illinois residents. 

• Scholarships are to be utilized at institutions of higher learning within the State of      Illinois. 

• Students must be enrolled as a full-time college student during the 2024-2025 school year (excluding summer session).   

Click the link for a fillable application Scholarship Application Template 2003 or 

pick up the application in the Guidance Office.  

Deadline is March 14

2025 North American Lighting Scholarship

  • Centralia High School senior with plans to pursue a degree in business, engineering or technology. 

  • Award amount $1,000 

  • Deadline: 11:59 pm CST on Friday April 4, 2025.  

  • Apply online:

Bradford National Bank Scholarship

Awarding two $1,000 academic scholarships at each of the following schools:
Breese Central | Centralia | Christ Our Rock Lutheran | Greenville
Highland | Mater Dei Catholic | Mulberry Grove | Nashville | Triad
The application can be completed online at

Applicants must also submit/upload a one page essay from one
of the following topics: Why have you chosen your field of study
and what would you like to do after graduating from college? or
Why is a community bank important to a community?
Application deadline is Friday, April 18, 2025.

The Student Ambassador Application is now open for students attending KC during the 2025-2026 school year. The application is electronic and requires candidates to upload a video telling KC why they would make a great ambassador of KC! Along with the video applicants will need their transcript, resume, and two letters of reference. The link below will tell students everything they need to know about the program as well as the application. Applicants will be able to upload everything needed with this link. See your counselor if you have any questions.


Marion and Fayette County Coonhunters Scholarship

Any Marion County or Fayette County resident who is a senior or graduate that plans to receive a college degree or earn a trade school type certificate.

Applicants must submit the form plus a 400 word essay on why you should be considered and how the clubs and organizations that you have belonged to have helped you and what life skills you have gained. 

Proof of acceptance to college/trade school, official high school transcript and two recommendation letters (from anyone besides family members) must be submitted in addition to the form and essay. 

A maximum of 1- $250 scholarship will be awarded to a Marion County resident and 1- $250 scholarship will be awarded to a Fayette County resident. 

Due February 28, 2025

The application can be picked up in the Guidance Office or you can print the application from Google Classroom.

You may return the application and supporting documents to the Guidance Office by Feb 28 or you can mail it to Fayette County Coonhunters Secretary, T.J. Bolin, 8333 Jones Road, Alma, IL 62807 by Friday, February 28, 2025.

Note: The top of the form only states Fayette County but it is the correct form.There is not a separate application for Marion County. 

Peoples National Bank Scholarship

The recipient will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

• Positive leadership and character exhibited in both academic and  extra-curricular school activities. 

• Positive leadership and character exhibited in community activities. 

• Full time enrollment in an accredited two/four-year college, university or trade/vocational school. (Proof of enrollment will be required for release of scholarship funds.) 

• Eligible applicants must be a graduating senior of a high school within an approved market area of Peoples National Bank.

• Applicants must have maintained a “B” average or better for seven semesters of high school. 

• Student/Applicant or one or both parents/guardians of student/applicant must be a customer or employee of Peoples National Bank.

• Applicants must submit a neatly completed application form and furnish a high school transcript for 3.5 years to verify grade point average of “B” average. 

Award Amount $500

Due March 7, 2025

Apply at

Kaskaskia College Foundation Scholarships!

  • Open to students enrolling at Kaskaskia College for the 2025-2026 school year

  • They offer 300+ scholarship awards and award a total of $300,000+ each year using a single application.

    Apply Here:

  • Priority Consideration Deadline is February 28, 2025

Tradesmen Coffee & Brewing Scholarship 
Seniors who plan to attend a 2 or 4 year institution to receive a degree or certificate in a skilled trade field (engineering, mechanics, etc...).
Plan to go straight into the workforce upon graduation into a skilled labor field.
Plan to use the money for job related apparel and boots, tools or a training program. 

Award is $500 

Deadline is March 31st  

Application can be found at

The application and 1 recommendation letter should be emailed to  

Illinois Elks Association Physical & Occupational Therapy Scholarship
PT or OT majors only
Enrolled as a full-time student in a recognized PT or OT program
No affiliation with the Elks is required
Must plan on being a full-time practicing physical or occupational therapist upon completion 
Must maintain a "B" cumulative GPA 
Deadline March 1st 
Make sure to select the Physical or Occupational Therapy Majors Application (not the assistant PT or OT application)

Illinois Elks Association Physical & Occupational Therapy Assistant Scholarship
PT or OT Assistant majors only
Enrolled as a full-time student in a recognized PT or OT Assistant program
No affiliation with the Elks is required
Must plan on being a full-time practicing PT or OT assistant upon completion 
Must maintain a "B" cumulative GPA
Deadline March 1st
Make sure to select the Physical or Occupational Therapy Assistant Majors Application (not the PT or OT application)

CBAI Foundation For Community Banking Annual Scholarship
Eligible students are Illinois high school seniors graduating in the spring and entering an institution of higher education in the summer or fall immediately following
Must be United States citizens and Illinois residents
Immediate family members of community bankers and part‐time bank employees are NOT eligible to enter from ANY CBAI member bank
Award amount of up to $1,000 per year for 4 years
Application can be picked up in the Guidance Office 
Application deadline is February 13, 2025 to the Guidance office or to
1NB Bank 891 Fairfax St. Carlyle, IL 62231

Centralia Foundation Scholarships
19 various scholarships
Deadline March 14th
Applications can be picked up in the Guidance Office or can be filled out online

Farm Credit Illinois Scholarship
Thirty $2,500 Agriculture Scholarships available
Two applicants of color will be designated "Diversity in Agriculture Scholars"
Must be studying an ag-related curricula or trade in the fall to pursue an ag related career 
Participation and leadership within a school and community organizations
Passion for farming and/or agriculture
Deadline Feb 28th
Apply at

Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC)
Students pursuing degrees in STEM fields, languages, Nursing, Pre-Med and other majors. 
Full tuition and fees
Monthly stipend
Service commitment after graduation
Be a U.S. citizen and 17 yrs old by Sept. 1 of first year of college
Meet physical fitness standards/ pass a medical exam
Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 (3.0 for nursing and pre-med)
Minimum SAT 540 Math, 550 R&W, 1100 combined
Deadline Jan 31st
Apply at

South Central FS Scholarship

South Central FS is a patron-owned agricultural cooperative serving Central Illinois farmers, commercial businesses, and residential customers in 9 local counties.

South Central FS will cover the cost of in-district tuition and fees each semester for a student attending a 2-year junior college or equivalent vocational program of their choice. For students attending a 4-year university, they will contribute towards their tuition as well. Following graduation, scholarship recipients will be guaranteed full-time employment, with a minimum requirement of being employed with South Central FS for 2 years. Students have the option to work, as available, during their school semesters and on breaks. Recipients of this scholarship will be selected based on work ethic, attitude, character, teamwork and desire to work in agriculture. Scholarship winners must also work for South Central FS during any Supervised Occupational Experience (SOE) programs if required for their degree. This is available only to high school seniors. 

To be eligible, students must complete an application, submit 2 letters of recommendation, and their transcripts to be considered.  Applications can be submitted to Carrie Harshman at or mailed to our corporate office at South Central FS, Attn: Carrie Harshman, PO Box 629, Effingham, IL 62401. Any application missing required materials, will not be considered. Applications will be reviewed, and interviews will be conducted in December to finalize winners. Scholarship winners will be notified in January 2025.
Have questions about our scholarship program? Contact Carrie Harshman at or call the corporate office at 217-342-9231.

Deadline November 30th, 2024
The application and additional information can be found at

Centralia BPW Education Foundation Scholarship

Applicant must currently be enrolled at Centralia High School, Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School, or a child/grandchild of a current Centralia BPW member

Applicant must be a member of the 2025 graduating class

Applicant must have at least a 3.0 GPA through Fall 2024 semester

Applicant MUST submit a copy of his or her high school transcript for all coursework through the Fall 2024 semester

Successful applicants must submit a printed copy of Fall 2025 enrollment verification of at least 12 credit hours before the scholarship will be dispersed. Failure to submit Fall 2025 enrollment verification by July 31, 2025 will mean forfeiture of scholarship.

Application must include the following:
Completed application form with all requested information, signatures, and dates

A typed essay including at least 250 words
High school transcript showing all grades received through Fall 2024 semester

Deadline is March 28th, 2025

Can be dropped off in the Guidance Office or mailed to:

Centralia BPW Education Foundation

P.O. Box 502
Centralia, Il 62801

Application can be picked up in the Guidance Office

Timberline Billing Service

  • Senior who has or previously had an IEP in high school 

  • Applied to a two-year college, a four- year college or a trades program 

  • Award amount is $2,000.

  • Deadline is Jan. 14th

  • Application can be picked up in the Guidance Office

Golden Apple Scholars

  • Students attending partnering Illinois colleges pursuing a degree in teaching

  • Award is up to $23,000, academic support, mentoring and job placement assistance  

  • Deadline is Dec. 1st

  • Apply at

  • Completion requirements include:

     Meet ISAC program requirements

     Code of Conduct compliance 

     2.5 GPA

     Participation in Golden apple Scholar Institutes (institutes are listed in the link above)

     Bachelor's degree from an IL Partner University

     IL teaching certification

     Teach for five years in an IL school of need within 7 years of graduation

     An anticipated college graduation date no earlier than the summer of 2027

Mensa's Health Minds

  • Senior in good standing with a GPA of at least 3.0

  • Been admitted to a two-year or four-year institution 

  • Declared a major in a mental health related field

  • Award amount $1,000.

  • Deadline is March 20th 

  • Application can be picked up in the Guidance Office