ATTN Orphan Fans- The athletic office will be open at 6:00 PM Sunday If you need help purchasing tickets for the game on Tuesday in Triad and/or if you want to buy a Regional Champs T-Shirt. As a reminder, you must use the GoFan App or this link- to purchase your tickets. You must ALSO have a device (phone or tablet) to show your tickets at the door to get into the game. Please call the athletic office at CHS (618) 532-7636 if you have questions on how the process works, or if you need assistance in getting a ticket. Also please note- This is the ticket process all schools have to now use after regional play based on IHSA policy. The schools hosting or playing in the event do not have a say in how this is handled. Please spread the word! GO ORPHANS!!!! Chuck Lane CHS Superintendent
12 months ago, Chuck Lane
Reg Chmps Shirt 24
Adult & Family Living students enjoyed learning about the Health Sciences career cluster by using zSpace.
12 months ago, CHS
adult and family living
adult and family living
adult and family living
adult and family living
adult and family living
Pre-school students, aka “child care students”, had fun learning about healthy habits by teachers Coralynn and Elizabeth.
12 months ago, CHS
healthy habits
healthy habits
healthy habits
healthy habits
LET'S GO, ORPHANS! 6:00 PM - Gates open to the public 6:37 PM - Teams can take the floor for the 18 minute warm up 7:00 PM - Tip-off General admission tickets will be available at the door. Tonight's game will be streamed by The Marion Star's Facebook. It's FREE and you do not need a facebook account to watch it. It will also be broadcast live by X95 at
12 months ago, CHS
boys regional championship
Friday night the Orphans will play for the regional championship at Marion High School.  Advance tickets will be sold on Thursday at Centralia High School and season ticket holders will be allowed to purchase the same number of seats that they have for the regular season.  Tickets will be $5 each and sold beginning at 5pm.  At the conclusion of season ticket holder sales,  we will sell the remaining tickets to the public.  Tickets will also be for sale in front of the CHS athletic office at 8:30 am on Friday.  Tickets are $5 each and must be paid by cash or check to CHS.  GO Orphans!
12 months ago, CHS
Let's go, Orphans! Tonight's game in Marion will not be live streamed, but there will be live broadcast at
12 months ago, CHS
boys bball regionals
It's a big week for Orphan Basketball! Let's go, Orphans!
12 months ago, CHS
boy's regionals
More volcano creations by Ms. Schwartz and Ms. See's earth science classes.
12 months ago, CHS
Ms. Schwartz and Ms. See’s earth science classes did their annual volcano project. The winners were Lo Tettemer, Chris Pugh, Arianna Freels, and Trent Owens. The best overall was Andrew Kinley, Gracie Morgan, Logan Shields, and Monica Read. Another great year of some great volcanoes! 🌋
12 months ago, CHS
CHS Baseball Team Shop is now open. There are lots of options available. Deadline to order is Wednesday, February 28th. Go Orphans!
12 months ago, CHS
LET'S GO, ANNIES! If you can't make it to the game, you can watch it here:
12 months ago, CHS
annies regional gameday
Good luck, Orphans!
12 months ago, CHS
orphan bball at althoff
If you have a spare minute, please nominate our FFA Chapter for Chapter of the Month! All you have to do is fill in a few boxes about yourself and enter Centralia FFA for the Chapter name.
12 months ago, CHS
Come out and support your Annies tomorrow at Salem!
12 months ago, CHS
CHS Yard Signs On Sale AGAIN! All signs will be delivered to CHS for pickup. Pickup option only. No shipping available. Deadline to order: Friday, March 22nd. Use this link to order:
12 months ago, CHS
yard signs
yard signs
yard signs
yard signs
Good luck, Red Death!
12 months ago, CHS
scholar bowl jv
The Centralia Annies Basketball team has advanced to the championship game of the IHSA 3A Salem Regional by defeating Bethalto Civic Memorial by a score of 62-50. The Annies will play Thursday night vs Effingham in the regional championship. Game time is 7:00 PM. GO ANNIES!!
12 months ago, CHS
Let's go, Annies!
12 months ago, CHS
annies regional
Good luck to our Annies Basketball team as Regional play begins for them on Monday, February 12th at Salem High School! Let's go, Annies!
about 1 year ago, CHS
regionals bracket